Zesto, Bading and Sister

I've met these three women (well, at least two of them undoubtedly are) in Andersen Consulting. We were all part of a new project involving PeopleSoft applications. Okay, before I go on a tirade about these three, let me introduce them first. Zesto is Cez Tolentino, Bading is Sally Librilla and Sister is Noreena Mariano. Reena is well known to me since we were part of the same batch in AC. But the other two were strangers to me. Well, not totally. I did see them every now and then lurking in hallways and in the pantry. But, that's the extent of my knowledge of their existence (which is probably something they can say about me too).

My first meeting with my new teammates only involved Cez and Sally. Reena was on vacation and had no idea that she just became part of a new project. We were all excited because we were told that our training for PeopleSoft would be held in Australia and in New Zealand. Imagine! We'd be able to travel in two countries in two weeks. It was a novelty for all of us and it was really exhilarating. Well, this of course didn't come true. We got our Australia and New Zealand visas but our New Zealand training was cancelled and our two weeks training was moved to Australia.

The two weeks stint in Sydney, Australia proved to be a very good eye opener. I realized that these people are schizophrenics and I really don't understand how they got hired in AC :) We had a lot of hilarious times together and sometimes, we get so noisy even if there's only the four of us. I do not know what contributes to the good relationship we have. Maybe it's my magnetic personality (cough, cough) or maybe because we are just jolly persons who love to kid around and laugh.

Reena has been a friend of mine since I started in AC but I never knew how funny she is until we became part of the same project. I always thought that she's quiet and reserve but her angelic face should not deceive you. Okay, okay. Maybe "angelic face" is stretching the truth too much. But, Reena does look good and looks kind. Well, I always did say that looks are deceiving. He, he, he, he. Anyway, the reason why she's called sister is because of a rumor started by a friend of mine. It was rumored that she used to be an aspiring nun and just decided to go out of the convent. In my opinion, it's probably because the nuns forced her out. Sister is quiet and reserve but not in the company of her friends. She actually puts up a good retort whenever we are bantering around. I guess if I'm asked how to describe her in a phrase, I'd say she's "an angel in disguise". How you decipher the phrase is up to you.

Cez is an altogether different person. I'm not saying she looks like the devil or anything (peace, Cez!) but she has a totally different disposition than Sister. Cez, in my opinion, is "mataray". Okay. Maybe not as "mataray" as myself but she's that and more. Zesto is a popular brand of juice drink in the Philippines. There is no significant reason for my nickname for Cez except for the fact that the first syllable sounds like her name. Just like Sister, she can pack a good retort when the occasion calls for it. She is good at arguments. If she felt disadvantaged, she would usually threaten someone with physical assault :) He, he, he, he. Now that I have placed my physical health in the line, let me soften the blow by saying that I think Cez is a sweet person. (Aacchh! Aacchh!) No. That is not the sound of someone retching in the background. That is I being strangled by Cez for my impetuosity. Help!

Bading is a Filipino slang for homosexual. Wondering how Sally got the nickname? Well, I don't remember anymore the reason why I called her Bading. We used to tease her about it in our ANZ project but the nickname didn't stick then. When Reena, Cez and Sally moved to another project, I used to introduce myself to Sally by calling her Bading. Thus, the nickname stuck and everyone else came to call her Bading. Aacchh! What a boring way to introduce an electric person (naks!). Electric because she looks like a person who has been electrocuted several times? Bwa ha ha ha ha! Nah. Sally is very naughty. She can make anything look funny (especially herself). She has no qualms about anything and would say anything that comes to mind. She can be quiet and reserve also but I really think it's just a ploy for people to think that she does spend some time to muse about things. Her favorite motto is "share your boyfriend and win a friend". With a motto like that, would a sane woman introduce her boyfriend to Sally? Probably. If she's planning on torturing her boyfriend with Sally's personality, yeah, that's feasible. He, he, he, he. One advice I would give to people regarding Sally? Be careful, be very careful.... :)

After being exposed to these three, do you think there's a possibility of retaining my last thread of sanity? Aaarrrggghhh! Too late! Sally has just eaten my last thread of sanity.... Aaaaahhhhhh!!!!!


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