Zesto, Bading and Sister
I've met these three women (well, at least two of them undoubtedly are) in Andersen Consulting. We were all part of a new project involving PeopleSoft applications. Okay, before I go on a tirade about these three, let me introduce them first. Zesto is Cez Tolentino, Bading is Sally Librilla and Sister is Noreena Mariano. Reena is well known to me since we were part of the same batch in AC. But the other two were strangers to me. Well, not totally. I did see them every now and then lurking in hallways and in the pantry. But, that's the extent of my knowledge of their existence (which is probably something they can say about me too). My first meeting with my new teammates only involved Cez and Sally. Reena was on vacation and had no idea that she just became part of a new project. We were all excited because we were told that our training for PeopleSoft would be held in Australia and in New Zealand. Imagine! We'd be able to travel in two countries in two weeks. It was a novel...