Windsor Castle
One of the things I like about the movie “American Beauty” is the poetic lines uttered by one of the supporting actors. He said something about beauty being all around us and that sometimes, it’s hard to keep everything within. Sometimes, it’s too great, he felt like his heart will burst. I was at Windsor castle this afternoon and got a glimpse of immense splendor. The palace is a living testimony to the English’s appreciation of beauty. Windsor castle from the outside is a great edifice to behold. It bespoke of magnificence, strength, pride and endurance. For a castle that was built 900 years ago, it is well kept and still worthy to be the residence of the Queen of England. Upon entering the castle, one gets a glimpse of the exquisiteness that is a common sight for the royalty. The entrance is filled with a lot of war memorabilia : swords, guns, lances and suits of armors. Picture taking is strictly prohibited and I felt a great disappointment for not being able to capture the...